Dear Readers,
Not posted for a while- my week so far has been fine apart from me feeling off with a stomach virus :(.
On Monday I went to Salford City Radio and got to practice on the equipment and record a short part, hopefully get it on Monday and will post it here if I can.
Received some Oreo's that i've won in a Facebook competition, can't wait to try them, om nom nom :D
Dorit-Samantha Vaknine
Hi, glad to see you're back. Don't eat all those biscuits in one go or you'll have a dodgy stomach again :O)
ReplyDeleteWere you nervous when you recorded the radio piece? Or did you find it easy? Could you choose your own subject, or was it reading something they prepared? You never know I might be listening to you on the radio in a few years time, when you are famous. Hope you have a good weekend.
Hey, nobody seems to comment which is a shame, how do i get more followers? yeah still not 100% better yet but tried 1 and they are lovely :) yeah i still am nervous, tutor and guy training me said i need to act more natural, cos i speak too formal like a news reader lol , need to change that and ease up a bit lol.. any tips on how i can? its hard cos I'm new to this, but need loads of practice.. yep was just a quick practice to see how to work things , i did a mix of 2 old and 2 newer tracks.. ooh i wish :) thanks, hope you have been ok!
ReplyDeleteHi again. The only way to get people to visit your blog is to keep writing interesting stuff that they want to read. I don't normally follow a site untill I have been reading it for a few months, I want to know if there is something of interest to me.
ReplyDeleteI joined your site early because I could see that you were making an effort and posting, also you seem like a very nice girl. Despite being 62, I can still remember what I was like at your age. I didn't get much encouragement from my family and friends to do well so I just muddled through, got a job at 15 and worked ever since. I never had any academic qualifications, but what I did have was a very strong work ethic, and understood that you don't get anything given to you in your life, you have to work for it. So sitting back and waiting for people to join and comment will not happen unless you put the work in.
Perhaps if you can't commit the time to your blog, maybe forums are best for you, there are a lot more people there to communicate with, though you wont earn any money from it.
From reading your MSE posts, I can tell you have a lot of ideas on what you might like to do, that is all part of growing up. I wanted to be a model, a singer, a dancer, and famous. None of that happened, although I am a little bit famous now because I eventually chose a profession which hardly any women enter.
You will go through several periods of drifting, trying out new ideas, eventually you will find something which clicks. You have to go looking for opportunities they will not come looking for you. Don't despair when things don't work out as you would have liked, move on to something else. If you really want your blog to work you must put in the hours. If you are really clever it could lead to better things. Think of it as a stepping stone to get you where you want to be.
You need to beef up your posts a bit, they are very short at the moment and don't say very much. Try writing from the heart, let your fingers run away with you and see what happens, you can always tidy it up with editing. Now where's the fight in you, will you keep on blogging?
Hi, thanks for your reply! What kind of content should i put in them? mostly they are about what i've done in the day i'm writing it.. ideally i would love to work on the radio presenting, that sort of thing and this work placement will help me improve my skills, i need to get to sound less formal and more relaxed, will come with practice! i appreciate you reading and subscribing to my blog, you seem interesting to talk to! Uni wouldn't help us with placements so after a lot of research of radio stations i stumbled across this one, sent my CV and covering letter off and was invited for an open day, it's a really laid back environment and i enjoy it, i now have an hour and a half instead of an hour which is good! How have you been? i'm taking my mum to a nice Turkish restaurant later for a meal, i love that type of food! Thanks for saying i'm nice, you seem nice too :). My main interests are old music: comedies, some newer music and shows too but mainly older,reading books, games, and my ambition to be on the Radio. I now do see that my recent post was short yeah, needs more content, your right!